Technology of operational management in the activities of port elevators

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Inna Kuznetsova
Yuliia Karpenko
Iryna Vidomenko
صندلی اداری


The article deals with the main problems of port elevators, which lead to incomplete use of their capacities. They include: the problem of reducing the capacity factor of the elevator capacity, the problem of lack of rhythm of grain picking operations, the problem of inconsistency with railway transport, the problem of storage of different crops and crops of different quality, the problem of loss of time during the shipment of grain to the ship. The necessity of detailed planning of port elevators' operations by the determination of flows of work passing through the system, as well as the control of their implementation, is proved. The graphical model of implementation of the operational function of the port elevator is suggested, which will allow to coordinate its operations and to check the possibility of their implementation during the departure period of the ship. This model establishes the order of operations, as well as the main planning documents that regulate them. The use of a technological map of the implementation of the operational function for describing the list and sequence of basic operations for the formation of a ship batch and its shipment, conditions and requirements for their implementation, as well as information about the equipment used, is suggested. The graphical model and the technological map of the implementation of the port elevator's operational function provide information on the rational sequence and coherence of the operations' planning for the formation of the ship party and its shipment, which reduces the time loss, provides the opportunity to coordinate the work of the elevator with its transportation system.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Inna Kuznetsova, Odessa National Economic University

Dr. of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Management

Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine

Yuliia Karpenko, Odessa National Economic University

Кандидат наук. кандидат экономических наук, доцент

Кафедра менеджмента в Одесском национальном экономическом университете.

Преподает дисциплины «Операционный менеджмент», «Бюджетирование», «Управление качеством», «Технология управления организацией»

Научные интересы: оперативный менеджмент, стратегический менеджмент, бюджетирование.



Scopus ID: 57211478359

Идентификатор исследователя: B-3578-2015

Iryna Vidomenko, PhD in Economics, Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Logistics Odessa National Academy of Food Technology

Ph.D. in Economics, Docent, Associate Professor 

at the Department of Management and Logistics

                       Odessa National Academy of Food Technology


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