Data-Driven Healthcare: Critically Examining the Role of Self-care and Data-Driven Decision-Making in Diabetes Management

Anna Sigridur Islind, Helena Vallo Hult


The use of digital technology for self-care, such as self-management of chronic diseases, has emerged through mobile applications and wearables, often designed, developed, and used in everyday life outside the healthcare context. The new self-care practices may be beneficial in many ways but can also potentially pose risks, and there is a corresponding need to understand underlying algorithms and biases that may affect users. In this article, we describe the design and development of a mobile app for food nutrition information as part of diabetes self-management and critically discuss its implications for patients and designers. In conclusion, this study highlights the need to carefully consider how self-management tools are designed, developed, and used for self-care. We propose co-design to approach data-driven healthcare in general and data-driven decision-making tools in particular. Our findings show that patients need to balance overreliance and mistrust in augmented data-driven decision-making, which calls for ethical considerations and a critical approach for all future designers.


Healthcare; Data-Driven Decision-Making; Data-Driven Healthcare; Self-Management; Mobile Application; Critical Research; Socio-Technical

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DOI: 10.7250/csimq.2022-33.03


1. Guest editorial: The tables have turned: socio-technical perspectives are influential for the future of digital work
Anna Sigridur Islind, Helena Vallo Hult
Journal of Workplace Learning  vol: 36  issue: 3  first page: 205  year: 2024  
doi: 10.1108/JWL-04-2024-200


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