<b>Integrated administration model of urban solid residues – a study to the municipal district of <em>Maringá</em>, state of <em>Paraná</em>, Brazil</b> - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v25i1.2231

  • Carlos de Barros Júnior UEM
  • Célia Regina Granhen Tavares UEM
  • Sueli Teresa Davantel de Barros UEM


This work presents a model of integrated administration of the urban solid residues for Maringá city. Besides its modern technological character, with base in the results obtained in this research, it is constituted in an integration among the several phases, mainly in the differentiated collection, with several forms of final treatment/destination, that lead to a smaller environmental, social and economic impact, looking for the ransom of the citizenship, through the warranty of better life conditions for the less favored segments of society and better life quality. The model consists of an integrated management system, composed of: segregated collect, selective collect, screen units, composed unit and sanitary earthwork. The work presents a focus about the current situation in the matter of the urban solid residues in Maringá city, and it foresees a remediation action and the closing of the garbage place, beginning with the formulation of a technological model, implantation of the project and its management.


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Author Biography

Carlos de Barros Júnior, UEM
Possui graduação em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (1975) e doutorado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2002) . Atualmente é Professor adjunto nivel D da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Química , com ênfase em Tecnologia Química. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: gerenciamento de lixo, gestão de resíduos, tratamento de resíduos. Currículo Lattes
How to Cite
Barros Júnior, C. de, Tavares, C. R. G., & Barros, S. T. D. de. (2008). <b>Integrated administration model of urban solid residues – a study to the municipal district of <em>Maringá</em>, state of <em>Paraná</em>, Brazil</b&gt; - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v25i1.2231. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 25(1), 17-25. https://doi.org/10.4025/actascitechnol.v25i1.2231
Chemical Engineering


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