<b>Characteristics of interstitial fluid flow along with blood flow inside a cylindrical tumor: a numerical simulation

  • Mostafa Zakariapour Islamic Azad University
  • Mohammad Hossein Hamedi KNT University of Technology
  • Nasser Fatouraee Amirkabir University of Technology
Keywords: interstitial fluid, porous media, finite difference, blood, cylindrical tumor.


A numerical simulation of interstitial fluid flow and blood flow is developed to a tissue containing a two-dimensional cylindrical tumor. The tumor is assumed to be a rigid porous medium with a necrotic core, interstitial fluid and two capillaries with an arterial pressure input and a venous pressure output. The interstitial fluid pressure, velocity, blood pressure as well as velocity are calculated using finite difference method. Results show that the interstitial pressure has a maximum value at the center of the tumor and decreases by moving toward the first capillary. The reduction continues between two capillaries, and interstitial pressure finally decreases in the direction of the tumor perimeter.



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How to Cite
Zakariapour, M., Hamedi, M. H., & Fatouraee, N. (2018). <b&gt;Characteristics of interstitial fluid flow along with blood flow inside a cylindrical tumor: a numerical simulation. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 40(1), e30792. https://doi.org/10.4025/actascitechnol.v40i1.30792
Mechanical Engineering


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