Synthesis and potential application of polygalacturonase from a Penicillium brasilianum isolate

  • Jamile Zeni URI Erechim
  • Diane Rigo URI Erechim
  • Tsai Siu Mui Universidade de São Paulo
  • Fábio Rodrigo Duarte Universidade de São Paulo
  • Helen Treichel Universidade Federal de Fronteira Sul
  • Geciane Toniazzo Backes URI Erechim
  • Rogério Luis Cansian URI Erechim
  • Eunice Valduga URI Erechim
Keywords: Microorganism, Pectinases, Industrial Application


 The aim of this study was to evaluate the synthesis of pectinase from Penicillium brasilianum in shake flasks and address their potential for industrial applications. A Plackett-Burman design followed by a complete second order design were used for the screening of most important factors and to maximize the polygalacturonase activity, respectively. Maximum polygalacturonase activity was 52.8 U mL-1 at
48 hours of bioproduction. The kinetic evaluation for substrate consumption showed that 42% total organic carbon, 52 nitrogen, 23 magnesium, and 60% potassium were consumed. The crude enzyme complex was used on commercial mango juice clarification, and, at a 0.5% concentration (v v-1) reduced viscosity by 10%, turbidity by 12% and clarification by 23%. Therefore, the results presented in this study could provide valuable and beneficial information for the food and enzyme industries (juice) as well as being a new landmark to microbiology by providing essential knowledge on P. brasilianum growing needs.



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How to Cite
Zeni, J., Rigo, D., Mui, T. S., Duarte, F. R., Treichel, H., Backes, G. T., Cansian, R. L., & Valduga, E. (2020). Synthesis and potential application of polygalacturonase from a Penicillium brasilianum isolate. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 42(1), e48042.
Science, Food Technology and Food Engineering


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