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Barriers to innovation in building and construction

T. L. Webb    


AbstractInnovation in the building and construction industries is frequently prevented or inhibited by conservatism, self. righteousness, prescriptions, laziness, excessive caution or fear of higher costs. Such barriers to innovation have reduced efficiency and productivity, adversely affected the performance of buildings and other structures, increased costs and resulted in the waste of energy, materials and water. The effective, timeous and economic application of innovations can be achieved within organizations by better management, by encouraging research and development, the procurement and evaluation of innovation, personnel training and monitoring or feedback. Also important in a broader context are better education and training for all concerned with the potential, limitations, selection and implementation of innovation; improved communication in-house, between disciplines and with research agencies; updated and realistic legislation such as regulations, and meaningful research and development. Innovasie in die bou- en konstruksiebedryf word dikwels deur konserwatisme, selfvoldaanheid, voorskrifte, luiheid, oordrewe versigtigheid of vrees vir hoer koste geinhibeer of verhinder. Sulke faktore wat innovasie terughou het werkverrigting en produktiwiteit verminder, die doeltreffendheid van geboue en ander strukture nadelig beinvloed, koste laat toeneem en het gelei tot die vermorsing van energie, materiaal en water. Binne ondernemings kan die doeltreffende, tydige en ekonomiese benutting van innovasies bereik word deur beter bestuur, deur die aanmoediging van navorsing en ontwikkeling, die verkryging en evaluering van innovasies, personeelopleiding en opvolging en terugvoering. In breer verband is ook belangrik beter onderwys en opleiding vir almal betrokke by die potensiaal, beperkings, seleksie en implementering van innovasie; verbeterde kommunikasie binne maatskappye, tussen dissiplines en met navorsingsorganisasies; die gereelde bywerk van wetgewing soos bouregulasies; en betekenisvolle navorsing en ontwikkeling.

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