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SDN-Based Network Intrusion Detection as DDoS defense system for Virtualization Environment

Saifudin Usman    
Idris Winarno    
Amang Sudarsono    


Nowadays, DDoS attacks are often aimed at cloud computing environments, as more people use virtualization servers. With so many Nodes and distributed services, it will be challenging to rely solely on conventional networks to control and monitor intrusions. We design and deploy DDoS attack defense systems in virtualization environments based on Software-defined Networking (SDN) by combining signature-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and sampled flow (sFlow). These techniques are practically tested and evaluated on the Proxmox production Virtualization Environment testbed, adding High Availability capabilities to the Controller. The evaluation results show that it promptly detects several types of DDoS attacks and mitigates their negative impact on network performance. Moreover, it also shows good results on Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as average packet loss about 0 %, average latency about 0.8 ms, and average bitrate about 860 Mbit/s.

Palabras claves

pp. 252 - 267

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