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Mapping the structure and evolution of JISIB: A bibliometric analysis of articles published in the Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business between 2011 and 2017

José Ricardo López-Robles    
Jose Ramón Otegi-Olaso    
Rubén Arcos    
Nadia Karina Gamboa- Rosales    
Hamurabi Gamboa-Rosales    


Today, organizations are facing technological, economic and social challenges thatrequire the intelligent use of data, information and knowledge. To this end, organizations aredeveloping capabilities around intelligence. From the organizational point of view, intelligencein business is a relatively new field study, so it is convenient to know and understand what themain themes are and their evolution in order to facilitate their integration. Taking this intoaccount, the current research conducts a conceptual and structural analysis of the Journal ofIntelligence Studies in Business (JISIB). JISIB is one of the few academic journals devotedpurely to publishing articles about business intelligence, collective intelligence, competitiveintelligence, economic intelligence, market intelligence, marketing intelligence, scientific andtechnical intelligence, strategic intelligence, and their equivalent terms in other languages. Thisanalysis is carried out by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifyingthe main authors and evaluating the development of the main themes within it using SciMATas a bibliometric analysis software. To this purpose, the documents published in JISIB from2011 to 2017 were retrieved from two different sources: the JISIB official web page and the Webof Science. In this way, the bibliometric performance analysis evaluates the impact of thescientific output based on publications and their citations, while science mapping illustrates theintellectual structure of the journal and the evolution of the main research themes. Bearing inmind that JISIB provides an open platform for the publication of original research articles,opinion articles, book reviews and conference proceedings about the intelligence field, thisresearch allows to understand its structure and evolution and all the themes associated with it.It provides a framework to support intelligence researchers and professionals in thedevelopment and direction of future research by identifying emerging, transversal, core anddeclining themes. Finally, this study includes a performance analysis of JISIB.

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