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A survey of users? perspectives and preferences as to the value of JISIB - a spot-check

Klaus Solberg Søilen    


The Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business (JISIB) has performed a survey, or done a spot-check, to learn more about its users at the end of three years of publications. Users were found via the journal?s site on LinkedIn and a web-survey was sent from there as an announcement. 18 respondents answered completely. This was only 3,2% of the total member group, but we still think we can draw a number of conclusion from it, also as compared to feedback gathered during the years. Users are looking for more case study material in the articles. There is an even balance between those who think there is too much technical material and too little. The discussion about what languages to publish articles in is likely to continue. It is not given that this should be exclusively English in the future. At the same time publishing non-English articles present a number of challenges. 

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