Alina Yelizyeva    
Roman Artiukh    
Elena Persiyanova    


The subjects of research in the article are programs and projects for the development of transport infrastructure with the allocation of the logistics system. The purpose is to develop a systematic representation of the process of development of a logistic transport system, taking into account the goals of the transport infrastructure development program. The following tasks are solved in the article: systematization of the goals and objectives of the transport infrastructure development program, analysis of the features of the logistic transport system and processes of its development management, development of a generalized formalized presentation of the logistic transport system and the process of its development. To solve these problems, we use methods of system analysis, set theory, hypercomplex matrices. The following results were obtained. The principles of sustainable development of transport infrastructure are analyzed.  The article presents the systematization of the goals and objectives of the transport infrastructure development program and outlines the basic principles of its sustainable development. The tasks of development of the logistic system in the transport infrastructure of the country are considered. A logistic transport system is presented in the form of a graph, where vertices are its elements and connections are information and material flows. When determining the acceptable level of the parameter of development of the logistics transport system, such types of coordination problems arise when making management decisions, such as integral, deterministic and range. In a formalized form, the logistic transport system is presented as a set of system invariants that determine its properties: complexity, dynamism and structural. There are three phases of uncertainty change taking into account the development of the system. The hypercomplex matrix of the system allows you to define its elements and their connections. Conclusions: The analysis of the research subject revealed that the issues related to the choice of system concept and methodological tools for the formation of distributed logistics infrastructure remain unsettled, and the problems of transport infrastructure of Ukraine are highlighted. Based on the proposed graph analytic representation of the logistic transport system, it is possible to analyze its structure.

pp. 81 - 90

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