Siti Nurjanah    


Peningkatan industri makanan dan minuman berarti GDP meningkat kebutuhan gula juga meningkat. Artinya, impor gula akan meningkat, apabila tidak dibarengi dengan peningkatan produksi gula nasional secara proporsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh jumlah industri dan Gross Domestic Product terhadap impor gula di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data time series (tahun 1977-2012)yang  diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan regresi linierordinary least square, dengan uji model dan uji hipotesis. Alat analisis ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variable independen terhadap variable dependen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; secara bersama-sama variabel jumlah industri dan Gross Domestic Product berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap impor gula di Indonesia, dengan adjusted R square sebesar 82,1%. Secara parsial, jumlah industri berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap impor gula di Indonesia. Gross Domestic Product berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap impor gula di Indonesia. Implikasi dari penelitian ini melalui Menteri Pertanian melakukan swasembada gula dengan cara membangun pabrik gula baru, hasil panen akan dibeli oleh pemerintah, melakukan riset dan pengembangan budidaya tebu, serta penegakan peraturan terkait dengan tataniaga gula. Increase food and beverage industry means that GDP increased, sugar demand is also increasing. That is to saysugar imports will increase if not accompanied by an increase. If proportion of national sugar production. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of the number of industries and the Gross Domestic Product of the sugar imports in Indonesia. The data that are used in this study are time series data (years 1977-2012) were processed and analyzed using ordinary least squares linear regression, to test the model and hypothesis testing. This study, to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The results showed; simultaneously variable number of industry and Gross Domestic Product significantly affect the import of sugar in Indonesia, with adjusted R-square of 82.1%. Partially, the number of industries are not significant positive effect on sugar imports in Indonesia. Gross Domestic Product and a significant positive effect on sugar imports in Indonesia. The implications of this research through the Minister of Agriculture perform self-sufficiency by building a new sugar factory, the harvest will be purchased by the government, conduct research and development of sugarcane cultivation, and enforce regulations relating to sugar trading system.

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