116   Artículos

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Ninditya Nareswari,Nuraini Desty Nurmasari,Latifah Putranti     Pág. 312 - 321
The creative industry has a significant role in the economy. The existence of a creative industry causes advanced innovations, increases job availability, and improves the value and quality of a product. However, MSMEs in the creative industry still face... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy    Formato: Electrónico

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Yadollah Tariverdi,Mokhtar Keivanfar     Pág. 161 - 168
Today, any research about the influence of accounting information in great range of stock holder decisions makers in companies leads to the better understanding of the method and role of information and its better disclosure. Current work was conducted a... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Chung-Yim Yiu and Ka-Man Leung    
Microcredit is usually used to support employment, poverty reduction, women empowerment, etc. It is rare to have studies on using microcredit to help residents in informal housing to improve their residential mobility. This study is a novel attempt to ex... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Erik Hofmann, Juuso Töyli and Tomi Solakivi    
In times of crisis, cash and liquidity play an essential role. This paper analyzes the working capital measures over the course of a business cycle. We examine (1) how companies behave in economic downturns regarding their working capital components and ... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Financial Studies    Formato: Electrónico

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Benard Kipyegon Kirui,Nelson H.W. Wawire     Pág. 217 - 231
Understanding the effect of financial constraints on firms? real decisions requires accurate identification of financially constrained firms. Unfortunately, identifying financially constrained firms is a challenge that is yet to be resolved. Against this... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Khalil Abbasi Museloo,Shaker Abartavi     Pág. 319 - 324
The present study aimed to explore the impact of mispricing on capital investment and capital structure in companies with financial constraints. Methodology is descriptive-analytic with casual-comparative research type. Due to homogenization of statistic... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Saira Qasim     Pág. 57 - 69
Revista: International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies    Formato: Electrónico

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Saira Qasim     Pág. 57 - 69
Revista: International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies    Formato: Electrónico

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N. Suganthi, M. Asokhan     Pág. Page:1 - 6Abstract
Revista: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Rodrigo Zeidan,Christiano Vanzin     Pág. 77 - 90
We investigate the relationship between cash conversion cycle (CCC) management and value creation. We extend a standard working capital management model to establish measurable hypotheses for privately owned companies in Brazil. We define hypotheses that... ver más
Revista: Revista Brasileira de Finanças    Formato: Electrónico

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Almila Burgac Cil,Fikret Dulger     Pág. 168 - 174
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among firm exports and financial constraints and the other firm characteristics as total factor productivity (TFP), foreign demand growth, market concentration and mark-up using firm-level data of ... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Pei-shan Lu,Weiju Young,Meng Sung Hsieh     Pág. 216 - 224
This study considers overinvestment and financial constraints as factors that associate with managerial incentives of firms conducting seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). The results show that pre-issue overinvestment and financial slack are negatively rel... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Achmad Tohirin(1), Mohd Adib Ismail(2), (1) Magister of Islamic Finance and EconomicsPost Graduate ProgramFaculty of Economics, Universitas Islam IndonesiaCondong Catur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55283, IndonesiaTelp. 62 274 883 525 Fax. 62 274 883 526 (2) Research Centre for Islamic Economics and FinanceSchool of Economics, Faculty of Economics and ManagementUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, D.E.Tel: 603-8921 5760 Fax: 603-8921 5789     Pág. 98 - 108
Revista: Economic Journal of Emerging Markets    Formato: Electrónico

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Leonardo Chalhoub,Guilherme Kirch,Paulo Renato Soares Terra     Pág. 470?503
The Finance literature offers evidence that, in Brazil as in the U.S.A., publicly traded firms save more and more cash over the past decades. Using a panel data formed by accounting and market information from listed firms in BM&FBOVESPA from 1995 to 201... ver más
Revista: Revista Brasileira de Finanças    Formato: Electrónico

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Letenah Ejigu Wale    
Economic theory posits that financial development eases firm level financing constraints by mitigating information asymmetry and contracting imperfections. This paper empirically tests for this notion by using firm level data from selected African countr... ver más

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Nenavath Sreenu    
The study focused on the ability of firms to play this role is in major part determined by the structure of the financial system in which they operate, and in particular whether this financial system is able to make capital available efficiently to those... ver más
Revista: Management Insight - The Journal of Incisive Analysers    Formato: Electrónico

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Colin M. Beal, Robert E. Hebner, Michael E. Webber, Rodney S. Ruoff, A. Frank Seibert and Carey W. King    
Worldwide, algal biofuel research and development efforts have focused on increasing the competitiveness of algal biofuels by increasing the energy and financial return on investments, reducing water intensity and resource requirements, and increasing al... ver más
Revista: Energies    Formato: Electrónico

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Abdulaziz Mohammed Alsahlawi, Kaouther Chebbi and Mohammed Abdullah Ammer    
Environmental sustainability represents nowadays a significant factor for business sector. Firms carry out many initiatives to develop environmental practices. Investors increasingly consider environmental discloser by firms and integrate this disclosure... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Financial Studies    Formato: Electrónico

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Syed Manzur Quader,Mohammad Nayeem Abdullah     Pág. 562 - 572
Using a large panel of 5086 firms from 7 European countries, namely Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Sweden and UK over the period of 1981 to 2010, we made attempt to see the effect of financial constraints on international corporate policies... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Soumaya Bechir Hechmi     Pág. 203 - 208
In this paper, we examine simultaneous relationship between respectively cash flow, dividend yield, debt, firm size and the investment. This research used 51 listed Saudi industrial firms, from 2009-2018. First of all, we have noticed that the CF ha... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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