12   Artículos

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Jacobus N Eloff     Pág. 16 - 19
Met die langer lewensverwagting en verandering van pensioenskemas van maatskappye die afgelope paar jaar word dit al hoe belangriker vir salaristrekkers en pensioenarisse om self verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hulle fi nansiële beplanning voor... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Candice van Wyk, Francien Susanna Botha, Robert Vleggaar, Jacobus N Eloff     Pág. 66 - 70
In a random screening of the anti-Candida activity of more than 500 tree species, the acetone leaf extract of Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. (Sneezewood) had very good antifungal activity against Candida albicans. We isolated the compound... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Johann Kruger, David Katerere, Jacobus N Eloff     Pág. 71 - 75
Plants are well-known sources of compounds with biological activity and thus have been used by mankind for centuries as medicines. Terminalia sericea occurs widely in southern Africa in sandy soils. It has been used traditionally to treat absce... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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David R Katerere, Andrew Serage, Jacobus N Eloff     Pág. 108 - 114
Aims: To isolate the antibacterial compounds and to investigate the activity of extracts of, and the antibacterial flavonoids isolated from leaves of Combretum apiculatum against four important community-acquired and nosocomial bacterial pathogens v... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Moraba M. Meela, Ladislaus K. Mdee, Jacobus N. Eloff     Pág. 7 bladsye
Plant pathogenic fungi are a major cause of reduced plant production and post-harvest losses of plant produce. The control of these fungi by some synthetic fungicides is complicated by human and environmental toxicity, the development of resistance ... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Moraba M. Meela, Ladislaus K. Mdee, Jacobus N. Eloff     Pág. 8 bladsye
Fungi wat plante aanval, lei tot groot verliese in plantproduksie en ook tot verliese in opbrengs nadat die produkte geoes is. Die beheer van hierdie fungi deur chemiese fungisiede lewer komplikasies vanweë menslike en omgewingstoksisiteit. Die kost... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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