Se-Jun Jin, Young-Ju Kwon and Seung-Hoon Yoo
Submerged marine debris (SMD) scattered between sea level and the bottom of the sea damages the habitats of marine life and threatens its growth in South Korea. The collection of SMD is more difficult and expensive than that of coastal and floating debri...
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sucihatiningsih dwp, Dhea Rizky Amelia, Bayu Rizky Pratama, Fauzul Adzim
Pág. 120 - 139
Seyhak Khon,Udomsak Seenprachawong
Pág. 129 - 138
Our study estimates the willingness to pay (WTP) for the dengue fever vaccination program at a national level in Cambodia. A double bounded format with an open-ended question was used in this study to estimate the WTP. The contingent valuation method (CV...
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Daniel A. Olawamide, Olaniran A. Thompson
Pág. Page:35 - 43Abstract
Marine litter poses numerous threats to the global environment. To estimate the social costs of marine litter in China, two stated preference methods, namely the contingent valuation model (CVM) and the choice experiment model (CEM), were used in this re...
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Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah, Rebekka Bärenbold and Olivia Riemer
Biodiversity and species conservation are among the most urgent global issues. Both are under serious threat because of human intrusion and as a result, it is likely that present and future projects will affect threatened and endangered species. Thus, it...
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Hina Aslam, Jian Liu, Abeer Mazher, Dagne Mojo, Imran Muhammad and Chao Fu
Local communities in mining regions are vulnerable to water scarcity risks caused by extensive mining and changing climate. To mitigate such risks, we adopt a non-market valuation of low income communities? preferences for improved access to water servic...
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Verlicchi Paola, Al Aukidy Mustafa and Zanni Giacomo
The study deals with the evaluation of the recreational benefit of a reclaimed water reuse project in the municipality of Ferrara, north Italy, by means of the contingent valuation method. It also provides an analysis of the public acceptance of the proj...
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Fan Yang, Ling Ding, Cai Liu, Lizheng Xu, Stephen Nicholas and Jian Wang
Seung Oh Nam
Blockchain is highly secure in design and can hand huge data efficiently. A smart contract, based on a blockchain, can automate the entire process and make the contract self-executing in nature. Since the first introduction of these technologies in the 1...
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Joy Jarvie, Scott Arthur and Lindsay Beevers
Understanding how the public perceive and value ponds is fundamental to appreciate the synergy between Sustainable urban Drainage (SUDS) ponds and the multiple benefits they provide. This paper investigates this, through the application of a structured p...
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Joy Jarvie, Scott Arthur, Lindsay Beevers
Pág. 1 - 15
Understanding how the public perceive and value ponds is fundamental to appreciate the synergy between Sustainable urban Drainage (SUDS) ponds and the multiple benefits they provide. This paper investigates this, through the application of a structured p...
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Pablo De Frutos, Fernando Martinez-Peña, Jorge Aldea and Pablo Campos
Public demand for harvesting wild edible mushrooms has risen in recent decades and currently affects many forested areas around the world. The idea of introducing permits for users has been conceived as a tool for ecosystem management. The problem is tha...
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Mehmet Erdemir GÜNDOGMUS, Veli Riza KALFA
Pág. 177 - 200
Lack of a specific market of environmental assets, accordingly lack of their price (economic value) leads to failure of fully identify the benefits that will arise from the use of such assets. Unawareness of consumers of the potential benefits from using...
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Martinette Kruger,Melville Saayman
AbstractThis study determines festival attendees? Willingness To Pay to support an increase, or prevent a decline, in arts performances and exhibitions. It uses the contingent valuation method to produce a profile of attendees, showing how much, if anyth...
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Majid Kholuzini Sharahi,Mohamad Hosein Mohamadi,Azam Abedini
Pág. 64 - 75
Among issues related to the environment, one of the most important issues is pricing the environment. In the present study, the outdoor recreational value of Chitgar Jungle Park of Tehran and its visitors' willingness to pay per visit (WTP) ...
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Kamshat Tussupova, Ronny Berndtsson, Torleif Bramryd and Raikhan Beisenova
Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, Jing Luo, Sonna Pelz and Tong Jiang
In this paper we deal with the problem of missing data in environmental cost-benefit analysis. If government pursues the goal of maximizing social welfare, this implies that public funds should be allocated to those uses where they generate the highest n...
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Kamshat Tussupova, Ronny Berndtsson, Torleif Bramryd and Raikhan Beisenova
Safe water supply is one of the important Millennium Goals. For development of market water supply services, the willingness of consumers to pay is essential. The consumers? willingness to pay (WTP) for piped water supply using the contingent valuation (...
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Faustin Vidogbéna, Anselme Adégbidi, Rigobert Tossou, Françoise Assogba-Komlan, Thibaut Martin, Mathieu Ngouajio, Serge Simon, Laurent Parrot and Kerstin K. Zander
Cabbage (Brassicaceae) is one of the most frequently consumed exotic vegetables in Benin and also the most affected by insects. To meet growing food demand, farmers rely heavily on synthetic pesticides that are harmful for themselves, consumers and the e...
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