Susanne Durst, Farzana Chowdhury, Andres Davila, Sascha Kraus, Cheng-Feng Cheng
Pág. 59 - 71
Susanne Durst, Farzana Chowdhury, Andres Davila, Sascha Kraus, Cheng-Feng Cheng
Pág. 59 - 71
Thomas Maran, Marco Furtner, Sascha Kraus, Simon Liegl, Paul Jones
Pág. 16 - 32
Small, new firms lack the resources of most larger, established firms, which makes effectively motivating employees challenging. Charismatic leadership is effective in increasing the performance of both groups and entire organizations. Specifically, the ...
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Martin Angerer, Thomas Niemand, Sascha Kraus, Ferdinand Thies
Pág. 1 - 17
Financial constraints are a striking difficulty of entrepreneurial ventures in the early stages of their development. Recently, emerging crowdinvesting platforms try to fill this finance gap by involving an anonymous crowd into the funding process. Due t...
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Philipp Stieg, Beate Cesinger, Gerhard Apfelthaler, Sascha Kraus, Chang-Feng Cheng
Pág. 14 - 27
The internationalization of family firms has increasingly been recognized as an important field of inquiry for international business scholars. And yet, there is a noticeable paucity of original research on key issues, including the differences in antece...
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Morits Angelsberger, Sascha Kraus, Alicia Mas-Tur, Norat Roig-Tierno
Pág. 19 - 36
Since 2006, the role of international opportunity recognition became an emergent research stream in international entrepreneurship. Following the definition of international opportunity recognition, the initial international opportunity recognition is de...
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Chris Richter, Sascha Kraus, Ricarda B. Bouncken
Virtual currencies have been well-cited and well-discussed in the near past. Due to the loss of trust in the banking sector and the fear of loss of capital, low interest rates and uncertainty of existing currencies, the ground for a virtual currency was ...
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Ricarda B. Bouncken, Malvine Komorek, Sascha Kraus
Crowdfunding represents an alternative way of funding compared to traditional borrowing. As a principle, crowdfunding is open to everyone - private persons as well as economic actors. A group of people, the crowd, financially contributes small amounts to...
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Ricarda B. Bouncken, Miriam Muench, Sascha Kraus
The distinguishing characteristic of a business model is the way in which the type of product or service is linked to a particular group of customers using a specific communication and delivery method. The authors argue that the distinctive characteristi...
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Ricarda B. Bouncken, Felix Schuessler, Sascha Kraus
This article examines the embedding of the phenomenon of Born Globals into three existing theories of the firm. The model of Born Globals deals with young companies that begin shortly after their foundation to internationalize. The Uppsala Internationali...
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