3.769   Artículos

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Luis Alberto Vargas-León and Juan Diego Giraldo-Osorio    
In this work, the influence of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the Extreme Precipitation Indices (EPIs) was analyzed, and these ENSO-forced anomalies were compared with the long-term change in the EPIs. The annual time series of the EPIs were ... ver más
Revista: Hydrology    Formato: Electrónico

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Hyun Min Sung, Jisun Kim, Sungbo Shim, Jong-Chul Ha, Young-Hwa Byun and Yeon-Hee Kim    
Estimating future sea level rise (SLR) projections is important for assessing coastal risks and planning of climate-resilient infrastructure. Therefore, in this study, we estimated the future projections of SLR from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Usman Bello Balarabe, Yakubu Gambo Hamza     Pág. Page:11 - 19Abstract
Revista: Journal of Energy Research and Reviews    Formato: Electrónico

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Cuauhtémoc Franco-Ochoa, Yedid Zambrano-Medina, Wenseslao Plata-Rocha, Sergio Monjardín-Armenta, Yandy Rodríguez-Cueto, Mireille Escudero and Edgar Mendoza    
The last ten years have shown that Climate Change (CC) is a major global issue to attend to. The integration of its effects into coastal impact assessments and adaptation plans has gained great attention and interest, focused on avoiding or minimizing hu... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Tran Cong Dung,Ðao Duy Minh DOI: 10.26459/hueuni-jed.v128i5C.5119     Pág. 97?111
Abstract: This study aims to identify the adaptation capacity undertaken by households in response to natural disasters and climate changes (CC). A total of 100 households in two communes including Quang Phuoc and Quang Cong, Quang Dien district were int... ver más

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Nicola Banwell, Shannon Rutherford, Brendan Mackey, Roger Street and Cordia Chu    
Disasters and climate change have significant implications for human health worldwide. Both climate change and the climate-sensitive hazards that result in disasters, are discussed in terms of direct and indirect impacts on health. A growing body of lite... ver más

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Rebecca Mary Bernadette Harris, Tomas Remenyi, Paul Fox-Hughes, Peter Love and Nathaniel L. Bindoff    
Changes to the frequency of fire due to management decisions and climate change have the potential to affect the flammability of vegetation, with long-term effects on the vegetation structure and composition. Frequent fire in some vegetation types can le... ver más
Revista: Forests    Formato: Electrónico

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Jaesun Wang and Seoyong Kim    
Climate change is an unprecedented risk that humans have not previously experienced. It is accepted that people are generally worried about global warming. However, it is also a fact that there is a small but increasing number of climate change skeptics.... ver más
Revista: Climate    Formato: Electrónico

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Stephen J. Livesley, Francisco J. Escobedo and Justin Morgenroth    
Urban and peri-urban forests provide a variety of ecosystem service benefits for urban society. Recognising and understanding the many human?tree interactions that urban forests provide may be more complex but probably just as important to our urbanised ... ver más
Revista: Forests    Formato: Electrónico

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Yingkui Li and Michael A. Urban    
A significant challenge posed by changing climates is how water cycling and surficial and subsurface water availability will be affected at global and regional scales. Such alterations are critical as they often lead to increased vulnerability in ecosyst... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Judith C. Stagl and Fred F. Hattermann    
Information about the potential impacts of climate change on river runoff is needed to prepare efficient adaptation strategies. This study presents scenario projections for the future hydrological runoff regime in the Danube River Basin. The eco-hydrolog... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Mengzhi Xu, Jixia Li and Shixin Luan    
Regional climate change is affected by global warming, large-scale inter-regional circulation, and land use/cover. As a result of different ecological, economic, and social conditions, climate adaptation actions vary from region to region, including comm... ver más
Revista: Climate    Formato: Electrónico

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Nomfundo Patricia Sibiya, Dillip Kumar Das, Coleen Vogel, Sonwabo Perez Mazinyo, Leocadia Zhou, Mukalazi Ahmed Kalumba, Mikateko Sithole, Richard Kwame Adom and Mulala Danny Simatele    
Climate change is already a reality, and it is affecting the lives and livelihoods of many people globally. Many scientists argue that adaptation is, therefore, necessary to address the impact of climate change on life-supporting systems. Climate change ... ver más
Revista: Climate    Formato: Electrónico

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Christian Axelsen, Marianne Grauert, Eva Liljegren, Mary Bowe, Brigitte Sladek     Pág. 51 - 57
International cooperation between national road owners can aid structuring and implementing climate change adaptation strategies throughout the European network. Climate change adaptation on roads can be defined as the concrete measures implemented to re... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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Jordan Hristov    
Using a mixed input?output model, this study examines potential changes in sector output and water requirements in Macedonia arising from climate change. By defining three climate change scenarios and exogenously specifying the warming shocks for five ke... ver más
Revista: Environments    Formato: Electrónico

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Mankolo Lethoko     Pág. 75 - 91
When the democratic government came into power in 1994 in South Africa, it faced formidable problems stemming from the structural and historical inequalities and imbalances created by apartheid. Among the challenges included climate change. The release o... ver más
Revista: Commonwealth Youth and Development    Formato: Electrónico

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Artem S. Lukyanets,Sergey V. Ryazantsev     Pág. 268 - 273
The article discusses the main challenges and threats of global climate change and their impact on economic and socio-demographic processes in the countries most exposed to climate change. In world politics the topic of global climate change is not new, ... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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M. Barnard    
The negligible levels of energy-related GHG emissions attributable to the Southern African sub-region translates into the sub-region contributing relatively little towards global climate change. Notwithstanding, the member states comprising the Southern ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Energy in Southern Africa    Formato: Electrónico

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Tigezaw Lamesgin Addis, Belay Simane Birhanu and Tesfaye Zeleke Italemahu    
Addis Ababa is one of the eleven cities in Africa that have been taking bold action in meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement. At the present time, the city is working toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enabling the city to be resilient ... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Shelley Boulianne, Stephanie Belland, Nikita Sleptcov and Anders Olof Larsson    
In the weeks before the 2019 federal election, climate change strikes occurred in Canada and across the globe, which may have increased the salience of this policy issue. We use two data sources to examine the role of climate change in the 2019 federal e... ver más
Revista: Climate    Formato: Electrónico

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