Nurlaela Nurlaela, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, Etty Soesilowati
Pág. 99 - 105
___________________________________________________________________ Sukses mengelola rumah makan tidaklah mudah terbukti banyak usaha rumah makan yang tidak mampu bertahan lama, untuk itu diperlukan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi pemilik rumah makan. Sikap dan ...
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Heri Ispriyahadi,Lela Nurlaela Wati,Wanda Saputra,Hidayat Darwis,Zaenudin Zaenudin
Pág. 63 - 84
Neni Nurlaela
Pág. 148 - 159
Education multiliteracy is an education that emphasizes on increasing the diversity of literacy in all aspects of life. The multiliteracy education program is a program of literacy by using a variety of approaches (arts, culture, environment, technology,...
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Siti Nurlaela,Bambang Mursito,Eny Kustiyah,Istiqomah Istiqomah,Sri Hartono
Pág. 297 - 301
This research is conducting an empirical test on the effect of capital structure, liquidity, asset structure and asset turnover on the financial performance of consumption industry sector companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018. The differ...
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