Yaping Zhang, Jianjun Zhang, Ke Wang and Xia Wu
The COVID-19 has caused a serious impact on the global economy, and all countries are in a predicament of fighting the epidemic and recovering their economies. Aiming to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 on the economic resilience of urban agglomeration...
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Anna Waligóra
Pág. 7 - 12
Due to the growing interest in the field of social economy and the increasing popularity of social entrepreneurship, these areas of theoretical knowledge and economical practice are constantly a subject of new analyses. The dominant classification of soc...
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Katie Conlon
This study uses a qualitative approach to address limitations and blockages to current plastics reduction via semi-structured interviews with zero waste business practitioners in India. Although they are nascent, India is home to a budding zero waste com...
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Maksim Vlasov, Sergey N. Polbitsyn, Michael Olumekor and Adekunle Oke
The knowledge economy, fostered by knowledge-based innovation, has been linked to entrepreneurial and economic success, especially in OECD countries. Studies have shown the influence of socio-cultural factors on almost every area of economic behavior. Ho...
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Pedro Núñez-Cacho Utrilla, Jaroslaw Górecki and Juan Manuel Maqueira
Society and the business world are paying more and more attention to the Circular Economy (CE) principles. The construction industry is no stranger to this issue, and the companies are transitioning towards sustainable production models. However, it is n...
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Jorge Cea-Valencia, Adriana Villegas-Huencho, Rodrigo Sion-Sierra
Pág. 63 - 81
The linear use?consumption?waste production model does not make allowances for resource limitation or loss, or the associated pollution. The concept of the circular economy (CE) emerged as an alternative to this model. In recent times, the CE has awoken ...
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Czeslaw Adamiak, Barbara Szyda, Anna Dubownik and David García-Álvarez
The rising number of homes and apartments rented out through Airbnb and similar peer-to-peer accommodation platforms cause concerns about the impact of such activity on the tourism sector and property market. To date, spatial analysis on peer-to-peer ren...
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Pág. 459 - 465
Muhammad Mustafa RASHID
Pág. 480 - 487
Mustafa SIT, Ahmet SIT
Pág. 43 - 60
In this study, the current status of knowledge economy in Turkey has been examined and its contribution to employment in Turkey economy has been investigated. As a result, it was determined that R&D spending a leading indicator of the knowledge economy h...
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Kangan Jain,Sanjiv Pandiya
In the backdrop of the recent Demonetisation promulgated by the PM on the night of 8th Nov.,2016, this paper attempts to put together the opposing views among economists, highlight the direction in which cash is headed and also lists the way ahead for In...
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Wei-Bin Zhang
Pág. 89 - 100
This study proposes a spatial model to examine dynamic interactions among growth, economic geography, the housing market, and public goods in a small, open economic growth model. We emphasize the impact of transport, land and fiscal policy on the spatial...
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mursal fajar hakim
AbstrakUntuk melawan tantangan era globalisasi serta pasar bebas yang sedang menjadi tren dan budaya ekonomi dunia, Indonesia harus mempunyai kekuatan lebih untuk menjadi sebuah negara yang tangguh dalam perekonomiannya. Secara historis dan ideologis ban...
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A. D. Shemet
Pág. 311 - 315
The article deals with main forms of e-commerce and its place in the digital economy, gives the characteristic of each. An analysis of research scientists on this issue and proposed the general scheme of the relationship of these forms. The structure of ...
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Anna Waligóra
Pág. 7 - 12
Due to the growing interest in the field of social economy and the increasing popularity of social entrepreneurship, these areas of theoretical knowledge and economical practice are constantly a subject of new analyses. The dominant classification of soc...
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Anna Waligóra
Pág. 7 - 12
Due to the growing interest in the field of social economy and the increasing popularity of social entrepreneurship, these areas of theoretical knowledge and economical practice are constantly a subject of new analyses. The dominant classification of soc...
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Raz Godelnik
Pág. 176 - 203
Objective of the Study: This paper explores whether and to what degree incumbent firms innovate in response to competition from the sharing economy.Methodology/Approach: Data on incumbents? actions related to the sharing economy between 2011 and 2015 was...
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Irine Herdjiono, Faculty of Business Economy, Musamus University, Indonesia Jumiati Jumiati, Faculty of Business Economy, Musamus University, Indonesia 10.21831/economia.v18i2.48184
Pág. 159 - 171
AbstractThis study aims to examine factors that influence students' interest in becoming investors in the capital market. Factors to be tested include minimum capital, investment risk, perception of return, and financial literacy. The number of samples u...
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Yanko Hristozov(1), (1) University of National and World Economy, Finance Department, Sofia, Bulgaria
Pág. 95 - 107
Alovsat Garaja ALIYEV
Pág. 65 - 80
The article substantiates the necessity to develop a system of indicators for assessing the level of development of the information and knowledge economy. Main methodological approaches regarding their development and analysis have been analyzed. Some re...
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