The Study of the Consumer-Company Identification on Mobile Application?s Attributes and Apparel Purchase Intention

Zui Chih Lee    
Mengsteab Tesfayohannes    
Min Jon Kuo    


In this demanding and diversified social commerce market met by consumers? quickly changing expectations, service quality for mobile-retailing is imperative. Consumer-Company Identification (CCI) is becoming an important tool for building a company?s brand. This research examines how mobile application (app) attributes, mobile-service quality and CCI lead to mobile consumers? purchase intention for apparel products through app.An experimental survey was conducted with 300 respondents. Seven hypotheses were examined by a structural equation model to explore the relationships amongst mobile app attractiveness, mobile-service quality, CCI, perceived usefulness, and consumers? intention to purchase products from the mobile app. Our findings supported the relationships amongst consumers? perceived usefulness of the mobile app, mobile-service quality attributes, and consumer purchase intention. Our findings also supported CCI?s impact on consumers? intention to purpose through the application of the Technology Acceptance Model.Our research finding showed consumers? psychological attachment toward apparel brands and its mobile app. The research further demonstrated the consumer-retailer relationships, and the findings support consumer purchase pattern through mobile app apparel purchase. Retailers? attention to dimensions of mobile-service quality of app design will strengthen consumers? perceived usefulness of their mobile app.

pp. 36 - 54

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