Self-Leadership Change Project: An Ongoing Experiential Program

Jim Phillips    
David Kern    
Jitendra Tiwari    
Kenneth Jones    
Nicole Carden    


Self-leadership Change Project (SLCP) is an ongoing program for senior level students at a regional university designed to provide hands-on experience in building self-management skills, which is considered a pre-requisite by many leaders and scholars (e.g., Drucker, 1996; Schaetti, Ramsey and Watanabe, 2008). A majority of students participating in the projects reported achieving change in targeted behavior, with intentions to continue to utilize the SLCP approach for future ?projects?. Additionally, students who successfully completed a self-leadership change project reported that observers noted change in others as a result of the project. Students who received positive feedback from observers reported that they were likely to engage in a self-leadership project in the future. This is relevant to the current business environment, in that shared leadership, empowerment, and participative management require business graduates to attain some level of leadership ability to function effectively in organizations. Self-leadership is a beginning step in that process.

Palabras claves

pp. 120 - 129

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