Birgitta Dresp-Langley
Simulator training for image-guided surgical interventions would benefit from intelligent systems that detect the evolution of task performance, and take control of individual speed?precision strategies by providing effective automatic performance feedba...
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Ying-Fen Fu
Pág. 870 - 885
This study contributes to the literature by examining the relation among fund performance, performance persistence and individual fund manager sentiment, rather than the fund industry sentitment. This study employs the turnover rate as the proxy of indiv...
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Nancy Yusnita,Hari Gursida,Erna Herlina
Pág. 103 - 114
AbstractMuch of the research on organizational commitment has generated findings that organizational commitment considers to predict individual performance. The purpose of the study is to examine the factors that affect organizational commitment, namely ...
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He Zhu and Jiaming Liu
Global tourism development can be seen as a tourism network evolution; however, how the network structure influences the tourism industrial performance has not been clearly outlined. This paper utilizes complex network theory to understand the global tou...
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Mohammad Ishfaq, Heitham Al-Hajieh and Majed Alharthi
The quality of work life (QWL), job satisfaction, and individual work performance are the lynchpins of organizational performance and sustained business growth (SBG). Numerous researchers have recognized an association between QWL and SBG. Positive QWL d...
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Ipek Koçoglu,Serhat Erat,Salih Zeki Imamoglu
Pág. 8 - 16
Research on organizational identity (OI) and organizational identification (OID) has long considered the two concepts as inseparable. There is also a rising concern among scholars that OID and organizational commitment (OC) might be misrepresented and us...
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Carolina Novi Mustikarini
Pág. 81 - 88
This study examined the effect of entrepreneurial action for the performance of the next generation using the sample of students who joined the Family Business Community. In this study, there is a high contribution given by the role of entrepreneur...
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Annissa Chairum Soebandono,Levi Nilawati
Pág. 237 - 248
This research was conducted for analyzing the effect of mediating variable that is individual task proactivity as one of the proactivities of behavior towards the relationship between self-efficacy and the employees? performance in the logistics companie...
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Irma Salamah
The user evaluation is a wide construct where the evaluation is on an evaluation or measurementof individual attitudes and beliefs towards both goods and services. Evaluation of the userstechnology-task fit is an important thing related to the achievemen...
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Irma Salamah
Pág. 31 - 46
Recently, the use of personal computers has widespread worldwide, both college and nonamong college. In the entire universities, using personal computers has been practiced optimallyby the lecturers in order to provide a positive impact on their individu...
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Rusdiaman Rauf,Amiruddin Tawe,Muhammad Rakib
Pág. 433 - 441
The purpose of this study is (1) to analyze the direct effects of work motivation, risk taking, entrepreneurship learning and individual commitment to work performance; (2) to analyze the indirect influence of work motivation, risk taking, entrepreneuria...
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Kanghee Park and Boyoung Kim
Within a construction project, the clients are categorized as private individuals, private companies, public institutions, etc. In this research, the private client is identified as a non-professional individual building owner and is involved in making d...
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Damianus Abun, Libertine Gertrude R. Macaspac , Theogenia Magallanes, Nimfa C. Catbagan, Jecel M. Mansueto
Pág. 157 - 171
Susanti Dwi Ilhami, Armanu Armanu, Noermijati Noermijati
Pág. 323 - 329
Tahir Mahmood,Rana Muhammad Ayyub,Muhammad Imran,Saira Naeem,Waseem Abbas
Pág. 158 - 164
This study examines the impact of behavioral factors over investment decision making and their performance. The primary data set collected through survey questionnaires from active investors of Pakistan stock exchange was used for the analysis. Furthermo...
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Suzette Viviers
AbstractShareholder activists play a key role in monitoring managerial behaviour. This study was undertaken given the paucity of research on the shareholder activism as practised by individual shareholders. Accordingly, the motives, modus operandi and so...
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Syeda Urooj Babar,Hafiz Mushtaq Ahmad,Mubashir Ahmad
Pág. 125 - 131
This study investigated the impact of team diversity and work cognition inventory on team performance. Quantitative methodological paradigm was selected, following a positivist approach, probability sampling was done in which respondents were picked thro...
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Erkin Altuntas, Peter A. Gloor and Pascal Budner
Do employees with high ethical and moral values perform better? Comparing personality characteristics, moral values, and risk-taking behavior with individual and team performance has long been researched. Until now, these determinants of individual perso...
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Slamet Riyadi
Pág. 93 - 99
This study aims to reveal and to analyze the influence of Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, Individual Characteristics andCompensation toward Job Stress and Employee Performance of Minerals & Metals Manufacturing Sector in East Kalimantan. The sample i...
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