21   Artículos

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Johannes Johannes,Deci Fachrosi     Pág. 162 - 170
Over the past few years, Indonesia has made various efforts to increase tourist visits. This study aims to examine the effect of experiential marketing on conservation value, the effect of experiential marketing on e-WoM (electronic Word of Mouth), and t... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy    Formato: Electrónico

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Johannes Johannes,Deci Fachrosi     Pág. 162 - 170
Over the past few years, Indonesia has made various efforts to increase tourist visits. This study aims to examine the effect of experiential marketing on conservation value, the effect of experiential marketing on e-WoM (electronic Word of Mouth), and t... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy    Formato: Electrónico

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Tendai Makoni,Delson Chikobvu    
AbstractAccurate tourism volatility forecasts for popular tourist destinations, like the Victoria Falls Rainforest, are vital to tourism destination managers and policymakers. The Victoria Falls Rainforest in Zimbabwe is under the town of Victoria Falls ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences (JEF)    Formato: Electrónico

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Raj Bridgelall    
Electric and autonomous aircraft (EAA) are set to disrupt current cargo-shipping models. To maximize the benefits of this technology, investors and logistics managers need information on target commodities, service location establishment, and the distrib... ver más
Revista: Algorithms    Formato: Electrónico

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Erum Haris and Keng Hoon Gan    
Travel blogs are a significant source for modeling human travelling behavior and characterizing tourist destinations owing to the presence of rich geospatial and thematic content. However, the bulk of unstructured text requires extensive processing for a... ver más
Revista: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Carlos Mestanza-Ramón, Giorgio Anfuso, J. Adolfo Chica-Ruiz, Alexis Mooser, Camilo M. Botero and Enzo Pranzini    
The scenery, safety, facilities, water quality and litter quantities in coastal areas are relevant and determining elements in the choice of a tourist destination. This paper focused on the evaluation of coastal scenic value in 55 and 12 sites respective... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Beatrice Petrache    
In this article, we aim to identify the views and attitudes of major furniture manufacturers in the European Union on the current situation and trends of the European furniture market and furniture accessories. If for the furniture market has been made m... ver más
Revista: Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics Edition    Formato: Electrónico

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Cristinel Petrisor CONSTANTIN,Ana ISPAS,Adina Nicoleta CANDREA     Pág. 521 - 542
Ecolabels are key instruments for a sustainable tourism development and implementation of environmental certification of tourist accommodation facilities and services. The present paper aimes to analyze whether eco-certification is considered by tourists... ver más
Revista: Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy    Formato: Electrónico

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Peter Schuhmann, Ryan Skeete, Richard Waite, Prosper Bangwayo-Skeete, James Casey, Hazel A. Oxenford and David A. Gill    
Seawater quality is critical for island and coastal communities dependent on coastal tourism. Improper management of coastal development and inland watersheds can decrease seawater quality and adversely impact marine life, human health, and economic grow... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Filipa Campos, Conceição Gomes, Cátia Malheiros and Luís Lima Santos    
Environmental aspects are considered a specific process that requires a multidisciplinary analysis, as the application of indicators in organizations stems from effective performance management; the tourism sector is no exception. In 2015, the United Nat... ver más
Revista: Administrative Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Diana Cardoso, Bruno Sousa, Dália Liberato, Pedro Liberato, Eunice Lopes, Francisco Gonçalves and Victor Figueira    
The current unprecedented globalization of the social economy, with worldwide mobility of people, products and services in an increasingly connected market and society, has promoted the rapid geographic spread of the coronavirus (i.e., crisis management)... ver más
Revista: Administrative Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Lalit Garg, Sally McClean, Brian Meenan, Maria Barton, Ken Fullerton, Sandra C. Buttigieg and Alexander Micallef    
The problem of hospital patients? delayed discharge or ?bed blocking? has long been a challenge for healthcare managers and policymakers. It negatively affects the hospital performance metrics and has other severe consequences for the healthcare system, ... ver más
Revista: Algorithms    Formato: Electrónico

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Indra Gumay Febryano,Rusita Rusita     Pág. 376 - 382
The perception of tourists is one of the most important aspects in the development of a tourist area, especially tourism that emphasizes the aspects of education and conservation. This study aims to find information on the perception of tourists in the d... ver más
Revista: Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management    Formato: Electrónico

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Seyma Bayazit,Levent Kirval     Pág. 70 - 78
The purpose of this study is to propose a new method toward determining port identity for a cruise port.  In this paper, the port identity concept is examined for the first-time under multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) approach as the port identity is ... ver más
Revista: International Review of Management and Marketing    Formato: Electrónico

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Rosemary Matikiti,Mercy Mpinganjira,Mornay Roberts-Lombard    
Problem investigated: Tourism organisations and destination policy makers need to understand factors that influence tourist use of SNSs for trip organisation in order for them to be able to effectively utilise SNSs. Methodology: The methodological appr... ver más
Revista: Acta Commercii    Formato: Electrónico

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Xiangdong Xu, Anthony Chen, Chao Yang     Pág. 645 - 663
This paper aims to develop an optimization approach for deriving the upper and lower bounds of transportation network vulnerability under simultaneous disruptions of multiple links without the need to evaluate all possible combinations as in the enumerat... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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Alexandra V. Michailidou, Christos Vlachokostas, Charisios Achillas, Dimitra Maleka, Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Eleni Feleki    
Tourism is one of the most dynamic and far-reaching economic sectors in the world. Numerous different and complex activities are involved in the efficient development of tourism. These activities interrelate economic, environmental, social, cultural and ... ver más
Revista: European Journal of Environmental Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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M.S. Kovacevic, K. Gavin, I. Stipanovic Oslakovic, M. Bacic     Pág. 1930 - 1939
The majority of the railway infrastructure in Croatia is over one hundred years old. In common with many other EU member states, a lack of investment in maintenance and renewal projects in over the last 30 years has resulted in generally poor track condi... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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Ioannis Charalampopoulos, Panagiotis T. Nastos and Eleni Didaskalou    
Global economy, trade and other human activities are affected by the behaviour and the psychology of the individuals [1?3]. Knowing the influential factors, which contribute to the perception, behaviour and psychology, a positive reinforcement to the eco... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Daniel Baldwin Hess    
Growth in the population of older adults (age 60 and above) in coming years will challenge urban planners and transportation managers to provide travel options that support autonomy. To investigate barriers that older adults experience in using public tr... ver más
Revista: Journal of Transport and Land Use    Formato: Electrónico

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