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Qurrotul A'yun     Pág. 69 - 77
As an archipelago, Indonesia has vast expanse of coastal area, that become a prominent source of economic revenue for some communities in Indonesia. Numerous fishing village was formed as a result of economic activity. But unfortunately, the condition of... ver más
Revista: EMARA: Indonesian Journal of Architecture    Formato: Electrónico

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Naledzani Mudau and Paidamwoyo Mhangara    
Research on the detection of informal settlements has increased in the past three decades owing to the availability of high- to very-high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery. The achievement of development goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goal... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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It is still a mystery how and where humankind originated and how they decided to settle down. Therefore, scientists have been researching human settlements on Earth from ancient times to the present and have been trying to solve their mysteries. We ackno... ver más
Revista: Journal of Global Ecology and Environment    Formato: Electrónico

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It is still a mystery how and where humankind originated and how they decided to settle down. Therefore, scientists have been researching human settlements on Earth from ancient times to the present and have been trying to solve their mysteries. We ackno... ver más
Revista: Journal of Global Ecology and Environment    Formato: Electrónico

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Zhi Zhang, Zhiwei Wan, Shan Xu, Hong Wu, Lingyue Liu, Zhao Chen and Ji Zeng    
The relationship between regional human development and geographic environment is the basis for dynamic social change, and studying the evolution of human-land relations in typical regions can provide background knowledge for global change studies. This ... ver más

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Jamon Van Den Hoek, Hannah K. Friedrich, Anna Ballasiotes, Laura E. R. Peters and David Wrathall    
In 2015, 193 countries declared their commitment to ?leave no one behind? in pursuit of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the world?s refugees have been routinely excluded from national censuses and representative surveys, and, as a resul... ver más
Revista: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales Lima,Ahmad Saeed Khan,Francisco Casimiro Filho,Juliana Jales Viana     Pág. 85 - 97
Este artigo avalia a importância das políticas públicas para a sustentabilidade dos assentamentos rurais noestado do Ceará. Dos programas avaliados na pesquisa, somente o acesso ao crédito atingiu uma parte considerável da população, enquanto que as parc... ver más
Revista: Revista de PolÍ­ticas Públicas    Formato: Electrónico

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David Eduardo Morocho Jaramillo, Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas López-Manzanares    
This article explores the ties between vernacular architecture, culture and identity in a context of sociocultural change in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The text addresses the loss of a collective cultural identity from a historical, socio-spatial and descrip... ver más
Revista: Buildings    Formato: Electrónico

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Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Monika Kuffer and Jota Samper    
Slums are a structural feature of urbanization, and shifting urbanization trends underline their significance for the cities of tomorrow. Despite their importance, data and knowledge on slums are very limited. In consideration of the current data landsca... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Hazrat Bilale Salamagy, Fernando Brandão Alves and Clara Pimenta do Vale    
The current dimension of informal settlements in Maputo requires the definition of action models framed by empirical evidence, taking advantage of pre-existing socio-spatial and environmental conditions to define physical interventions through sustainabl... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Pedro Afonso Fernandes    
Space syntax is a set of theories and techniques for analysing urban settlements and buildings. Here, we propose a new approach to perform syntactic analyses that requires only the declaration in a computer program of the connections between axial lines ... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Jota Samper and Weichun Liao    
This article challenges the narrow definition of informal settlements as solely lacking a formal framework, which overlooks the dynamic city-making and urban design processes within these areas. Communities? self-building processes and areas? constant gr... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Jason Corburn, Patrick Njoroge, Jane Weru and Maureen Musya    
Urban informal settlements or slums are among the most vulnerable places to climate-change-related health risks. Yet, little data exist documenting environmental and human health vulnerabilities in slums or how to move research to action. Citizen science... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Alexandre Pereira Santos, Juan Miguel Rodriguez-Lopez, Cleiton Chiarel and Jürgen Scheffran    
How just are risk responses that worsen vulnerability in the long term? Should the urban poor be left with self-reliance when facing hazards in the Anthropocene? This research investigates urban development and vulnerability in the Anthropocene. While it... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Anubhav Goyal,Joana Pereira     Pág. 79 - 98
Increase in water induced risks are realized with marginal settlements being more vulnerable due to limited adaptive capacity. The challenge put forward by climate change, in absence of adequate formal strategies, has forced the dwellers of marginal sett... ver más
Revista: Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística    Formato: Electrónico

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Shirish Singh, Florence Laker, Najib L. Bateganya, Allan G. Nkurunziza, Swaib Semiyaga and Damir Brdjanovic    
Various business models for fecal sludge emptying and transport have been developed to address challenges and their advantages have been documented; however, their evaluation has not been investigated. This study developed an evaluation framework, which ... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Pedro A. Dinis, João Huvi, Marina Cabral Pinto and Joel Carvalho    
The present work focuses on two recent flash floods in coastal Benguela (Angola), both triggered by moderate rainfall but which had disastrous consequences for local populations (namely 71 deaths in 2015 and 17 in 2019). The research involved a regional ... ver más
Revista: Hydrology    Formato: Electrónico

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A. Federico Ogas-Mendez and Yuzuru Isoda    
The spatial fragmentation in the housing market and the growth of squatter settlements are characteristic for the metropolitan areas in developing countries. Over the years, in large cities, these phenomena have been promoting an increase in the spatial ... ver más
Revista: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Valerio Di Pinto, Antonio M. Rinaldi and Francesco Rossini    
This paper explores the link between the current vision of the ?smart city? and the notion of urban autopoiesis understood as self-organized/managed urban systems. It seeks to highlight how the use of GIS analysis, applied to the study of informal settle... ver más
Revista: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Mohammad Mahdi Badiozamani and Nicholas Beier    
Processing of extracted oil sands generates substantial volumes of tailings slurries. Due to the scale and inherent variability of the tailings properties, consolidation settlement is expected to occur at different rates and magnitudes across the tailing... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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