Takanori Hisada
Pág. 315 - 318
This study investigates the relationships among an exchange merger, investor sentiment, and liquidity by analyzing data from the 2013 merger of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange. In contrast to prior studies, this study considers the...
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Shashitha Gimhani Jayakody
Pág. 394 - 402
This study examines the effects of terrorist attacks on the Sri Lankan stock market during the last phase of the civil war. The mean adjusted returns model is employed to test whether the 19 industries in the Colombo Stock Exchange exhibit varied reactio...
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Loc Dong Truong,H. Swint Friday
Pág. 28 - 34
This analysis investigates the influence of the timing of the Lunar New Year on the January effect for the Vietnam stock market. The data selected for this study is a weekly series of the market index (VN-Index) over the period from January 7th, 2009 thr...
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Sakiru Adebola Solarin
Pág. 52 - 55
Despite the efforts of various federal and regional governments over the years, poverty still exists in several places across the world, especially in the developing countries. Microfinance services have been promoted as viable tools to decrease poverty....
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Haider M. Al-Baghdadi, Faiz H. Al-Merib, Ayoob A. Ibrahim, Rafea F. Hassan and Husam H. Hussein
Recently, fiber has been incorporated into concrete mixtures, where its distribution in the concrete matrix helps to improve and enhance the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). The aim of this study is to investigate the influence o...
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Godfred Aawaar,Nicholas Addai Boamah,Joseph Oscar Akotey
Pág. 194 - 205
Daily returns of 224 stocks traded on three distinctively classified markets (stand-alone, frontier, and emerging) within a developing continent context are used, employing the Chang, Chen and Khorana (2000) measure. We provide evidence of the presence o...
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Rim Ammar Lamouchi
Pág. 29 - 34
This paper examines the market efficiency of Saudi Arabia stock exchange market namely Tadawul All Share Index, TASI, for the period from 1998 to 2020. To test the efficiency of stock market, we analyze the dependence structure of stock market index retu...
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Norhazlina Ibrahim,Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha,Mansor H. Ibrahim,Hishamuddin Abdul Wahab
Pág. 130 - 138
The issue of liquidity and the under development of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) stock markets have been a hindrance factor for companies in those countries to seek fund and capital. Due to this reason, many companies choose Depositary R...
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Ali Küçükçolak,Figen Büyükakin,Necla Ilter Kucukcolak
Pág. 32 - 40
Gold has been an investment vehicle over the ages and helped investors to mitigate risks arise due to market fluctuations. In order to improve financial inclusion level and increase added value of the idle gold held by investors, there have been va...
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Necla Ilter Kucukcolak
Pág. 66 - 78
Major benefits of the organized commodity markets will be efficient price formation, transparency improvement, decline in transaction cost and accumulation of expertise in the financial and agricultural sectors. An active spot market is one of the major ...
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Dilesha Nawadali Rathnayake,Diby Francois Kassi,Pierre Axel Louembé,Gang Sun,Ding Ning
Pág. 96 - 107
This paper examines the impact of corporate ownership structure and ownership concentration on the corporate performance of listed firms in China. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Two-Stages Least Squares (2SLS) models are used to capture the relationship...
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Meskat Ibne Sharif
Pág. 113 - 122
This paper investigates the influence of relevant factors in determining capital structure with their respective extent. Excluding financial firms, all publicly traded American firms for the period of 1950-2005 are considered as the sample firms. Five fu...
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Charles O. Manasseh,Jonathan E. Ogbuabor,Charles N. Anumudu,Felicia C. Abada,Martins A. Okolie,Okoro E. Okoro
Pág. 357 - 369
The study examined the causal relationship between stock market development, financial sector reform and economic growth in Nigeria, using Vector autoregressive and error correction model for the analysis. We observed bidirectional causality between stoc...
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Kesley Leandro da Silva,Marcelo Fernandes
Pág. 39 - 80
We use weekly data to investigate the profitability of momentum strategies in the currency market based on two different extract methods of nonlinear trends. We compare their performance with the traditional moving average rules broadly used by market pr...
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I. Made Suidarma,Yulia Indrawati,I. Gusti Nengah Darma Diatmika,I. Nyoman Anggaradana
Pág. 299 - 306
The objective of this research is to analyze the indicators that cause vulnerability to financial system stability in Indonesia. The data used in this research is secondary data monthly with a range of 2006.1 to 2015.6. The method were used in this study...
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Talla M Aldeehani,Amani Kh. Bouresli
Pág. 33 - 41
In this paper, we investigate the perceptions of various stakeholders in relation to the benefits stated in the new capital markets authority law (CMAL) to be achieved when Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) is demutualized. We use a survey questionnaire to sol...
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Chandana Gunathilaka,Mohamad Jais,Sophee Sulong Balia
Pág. 478 - 487
Market illiquidity and investor sentiment show a significant role in Malaysian capital market, the variation of average stock returns left unexplained by capital asset pricing model is covered effectively by illiquidity and sentiment risks. Our investor ...
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Johannes Stübinger,Jens Bredthauer
Pág. 650 - 662
In recent years, more sophisticated techniques for analyzing data and exponential increase in computing power allow high-frequency trading. This paper provides a detailed overview on pairs trading in the context of intraday data and applies different str...
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Mohamed Aydi,Abdelkader Aguir
Pág. 196 - 209
This paper analyzes empirically the links between financial development and the economic growth of the (SMC). The study is based on a VAR approach: The Johansen Tests for Cointegration and VECM models. The debate on the relation between the financial sph...
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Le Minh Tai
Pág. 510 - 515
This study test the impact of financial markets development on capital structure of firms listed on Ho Chi Minh stock exchange (HOSE). Base on the financial data of 116 firms listed on HOSE, in the period from 2009 to 2015 and GLS regression method, this...
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