Barriers to and Strategies for Transportation Coordination among the Transportation/ Human Service Providers: The Case of the River Valley Providers

Ahmad Rahal    


This research note seeks to identify the barriers to and strategies for transportation coordination among the River Valley transportation/Human Service providers (RVTP), in Western Arkansas, for the purpose of facilitating full community access and participation of the transportation disadvantaged as proposed by the Executive Order of Human Service Transportation Coordination signed by President Bush in February 2004. A comprehensive survey of the RVTP revealed that lack of awareness, lack of knowledge, lack of guidance, financial concerns, and false perceptions as the main culprits to the lack of coordination among the RVTP in the River Valley area. As a result, we propose the creation of a permanent local champion position ?Mobility Manager? to build cooperation and trustamong the RVTP and commit the time and energy needed to develop acceptable solutions to issues of concerns and assist in minimizing duplications, improving efficiencies, and expanding the range of both transportation services (traditional and non-traditional) for the transportation disadvantage.

Palabras claves

pp. 130 - 140

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